CONFERENCE DATES: October 19-20, 2013
CONFERENCE SITE: Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, USA
“第二届美加孔子学院汉语教学研讨会(2013)”将继2009年在波州大成功举办的首届美加孔院汉语教学研讨会的基础上举办。参加者为美加孔子学院和孔子课堂海外本土汉语教学负责人及/或主管教师,美加本土和国家汉办外派国际汉语教师、志愿者教师以及大中小学及幼儿园的汉语教师。本届研讨会的主要内容是探讨美加孔子学院和孔子课堂本土及访问汉语教师标准、孔院及孔子课堂汉语教材编纂及孔院和孔子课堂面对美加大、中、小学(公立、公立特许、私立)、晚间及周末学校以及幼儿园所开设的专业与非专业型、学分与非学分型、沉浸式与非沉浸式汉语教学法、课程设置、课堂管理, 等议题。
After the success of the First Chinese Teaching Conference of the CIs in the US and Canada organized and hosted by the CIPSU in 2009, “The 2nd International Chinese Teaching Conference of Confucius Institutes and Classrooms in the US and Canada (2013) " is scheduled to be held at Portland State University on October 19 & 20, 2013. Participants in this year's conference will include, but not limited to, US and Canadian CIs and CC executive directors, persons in charge of Chinese language teacher training programs and teaching, Chinese language instructors, teachers and teacher trainees at colleges and universities, as well as K-12 school teachers both locally hired and Hanban-sent.. The purpose of the symposium is to discuss the standards for both localized and visiting Chinese language teachers, teacher trainees in CIs and CCs from both the US and Canada, exchange ideas on Chinese language textbook compiling, explore approaches, methods, curriculum design, teaching strategies and plans, and classroom management, etc. These contents include, but not limited to: college level major or non-major, credit and non-credit, immersion or non-immersion Chinese courses and classes at Confucius Institutes, Confucius Classrooms and their hosting colleges, universities, K-12 schools, including public schools, charter schools, private schools, evening and weekend schools, and language programs for business and corporate.
August 31st, 2013: Deadline for submitting abstracts (300-400 words in both English and Chinese) via email attachment in Word files along with a separate contact information page (name, affiliation, snail mail mailing address, email, contact phone and fax number, special request, etc.).
September 10, 2013: Notification for abstract acceptance
September 20, 2013: Deadline for confirming attendance
October 19, 2013:
12:00-4:00 PM: Conference registration and pre-conference workshops
4:30-6:00 PM: Conference opening ceremony, plenary session with keynote speeches (continued with conference registration)
6:20-7:20 PM: Welcome reception dinner
7:30-9:00 PM: Conference presentations
October 20, 2013 :
8:30 AM -12:30 PM: Conference presentation sessions
12:30-1:30 PM: Lunch break
1:30-2:00 PM: Closing Ceremony
2:30 PM: Conference organized city tour (optional) or depart Portland
This year’s conference will cover the following 10 themes:
1) Standards and qualifications for the CI and CC Chinese teachers and teacher trainees/volunteer teachers in the US & Canada;
2) Chinese curriculum instructions, designs, practices and implementations at the CIs & CCs in the US and Canada;
3) Available, suitable, appropriate Chinese teaching materials, course ware, teaching strategies and plans needed for the CI and CC Chinese courses in US and Canada;
4) Ways to improve Chinese language teaching at the CIs and CCs in the US and Canada;
5) Evaluation, selection and promotion of appropriate Chinese teaching materials for the CI and CC Chinese programs in the US and Canada;
6) How to develop various kinds of Chinese teaching materials that are suitable and appropriate for the CI and CC Chinese courses as well as compiling plans, concepts, methods, adoption and promotion methods;
7) Initiatives, plans, practices and specific implementation plans of teacher training programs for both localized and Hanban-sent visiting Chinese teachers and trainees/volunteer teachers in the US and Canada;
8) Experience and practice of online-based HSK/YCT Chinese proficiency tests;
9) How to use the method of combining HSK/YCT tests and classroom teaching to improve CI and CC students’ Chinese language proficiency and practical skills in the US and Canada;
10) How to effectively manage the CI and CC teachers, teacher trainees/volunteer teachers and immerse them as quickly as possible into the North American culture and Chinese language teaching orbit;
CONFERENCE WEBSITES: www.ci.oia.pdx.edu, CONFERENCE CONTACT PERSON: Ms. Li XIANG: lxiang@pdx.edu