CIPSU Event Schedule Fall 2014
Event Schedule for Fall Quarter 2014 (subject with changes and updates)
All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted
CIPSU Chinese Corner starts 30 minutes before each CIPSU-organized event.
Parking is free in PSU parking structure after 5:00 PM on Fridays and all day Sundays
Please visit the CIPSU’s website: or institute/events-and-lectures for the schedules and more detailed info for the CIPSU’s events, lecture series, non-credit Chinese language and culture courses and registration forms; Chinese HSK/YCT Proficiency Tests; Chinese Bridge Summer Camp, CIPSU scholarships for the PSU students; CI HQs/Hanban scholarships for studying in China; CIPSU Newsletters; CIPSU Journals/Event Records since 2007; Online Resources, etc.
Please find from the following links all the Chinese language and culture courses to be offered by the Confucius Institute at Portland State University for the Fall Quarter 2014. Free Taiji/Tai Chi practice class is open to PSU community and the general public on Mondays (starting on September 29th, 2014) at 12:00-1:00 PM in front of the PSU library on PSU campus; 12:00 – 1:00 PM; Mondays at 5:30-6:30 PM on the first floor of PSU Student Recreation Center Auditorium (1800 SW 6th Ave., Portland, OR 97201) ((starting on September 29th, 2014); Wednesdays at 12:00-1:00 PM in Pioneer Square in downtown Portland (starting on October 1st, 2014); and Saturdays at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM in front of the PSU library ((starting on September 27th, 2014)
CIPSU Non-Credit Chinese Courses of different types and levels are offered for everyone including K5-12 students and adults at PSU and general public in the Greater Portland Area starting on Saturday, September 27th, 2014. All classes are free for PSU faculty and staff. For more info about these courses and registration form, please visit the CIPSU website at: credit-courses
The following links also includes course schedules, descriptions and the online registration information including online and check payments info:
- View and download Fall Quarter 2014 Schedule of Classes (for Adults) institute/files/CI%20Course%20Schedule%20fall%202014%20for%20adult_3.pdf
- View and download Fall Quarter 2014 Schedule of Classes (for Youth K-12) institute/files/CI%20Course%20Schedule%20for%20K-12%20fall%202014_3.pdf
View and download How to register and pay for the CIPSU-offered non-credit courses:
CIPSU also offers tutoring sessions to your specific needs by offering specially designed courses and tutoring sessions as well as online courses through Skype at your request. All courses are free of charge for PSU faculty and staff except for individual tutoring sessions and specially designed courses.
For fliers and detailed information about the events, please visit the CIPSU’s website:
Saturday, September 27th, 2014: Global Confucius Day Open House at Portland State University PSU Confucius Institute’s Open House to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Confucius Institute with a series of planned events and activities (Free and open to PSU Community and the general public)
Place: The 1st floor lobby of the PSU School of Business Building (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201). For more info, please visit: institute/sites/
Time: Saturday, September 27th, 2014 at 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- CIPSU event and activity photo and video exhibition
- Chinese calligraphy exhibition
- Chinese Language & Culture Teaching and Learning Resources Exhibition
- Demonstration and teaching of Chinese calligraphy, dough figure making; paper-cutting; Chinese name writing in calligraphy; Chinese knot weaving
- Demonstration and learning of Taijiquan – traditional Chinese shadow boxing
- Demonstration of Chinese Tea Ceremony and best and tasty tea tasting for all participants
- Experiencing Chinese language: a) Learn how to say some useful Chinese words and greetings in a few minutes; b) Learn how to write interesting Chinese characters; c) Free on-the-spot Mock HSK/YCT Tests; d) Learn to sing Chinese songs; f) Crazy Chinese Time
- Demonstration of online Chinese teaching and learning resources
- Registration and Q&A for the Fall-Quarter Chinese language and culture courses offered at the CIPSU
- Taste of delicious Chinese snack food with best and tasty tea from China
Friday, October 3, 2014 at 4:30-8:30 PM: a series of events and traditional Chinese instrument orchestra performance. For more info, please visit: institute/sites/
- 4:30-5:15 PM: A Series of Events Celebrating the 10th Anniversary Of Confucius Institute: Crazy Chinese time; a Tai Chi Demonstration and Practice in front of PSU Urban Plaza Square. All are welcome to join the Tai Chi practice and wear CIPSU specially made T-shirts – free and are given to all participants on site.
- 5:30-6:30 PM: Reception and social time with food and drinks (outside Lincoln Performance Hall 175)
- 6:30-7:00 PM: Showing the 15-minute documentary about the CIPSU; Unveiling ceremony of 9 new Confucius Classrooms in Oregon (Lincoln Performance Hall 175)
- 7:00-8:30 PM in PSU Lincoln Performance Hall 175 (1620 SW Park Avenue Portland OR 97201): China Nanjing University Traditional Instruments Orchestra Performance in the form of instrumental ensemble, unison, small ensemble and solo, by using bowed and plucked strings,wind and percussion instruments that represent the grace and beauty of the picturesque Southern Jiangsu, the home of Nanjing University. For more info and the event flyer, please visit: institute/files/Nanjing%20University%20Traditional%20Instruments%20Orchestra%20Performan ce%20%28Oct%203-4%29.pdf
Saturday, October 4, 2014 at 9:30 AM on PSU Campus, SMSU 338 (Non-CIPSU event)
First Saturday East Asia Program
Chinese Folklore, Asian-American Identity and Cultural Heritage
Dr. Juwen Zhang, Willamette University What is folklore? Who are the folk? How can folklore be
essential to Asian American Identity? Why is cultural heritage widely talked about nowadays? What intangible cultural heritage is being transformed cross-culturally in the USA and why is cultural sustainability becoming a hot topic? This presentation will attempt to answer these questions by linking those ideas to our own everyday practices. For more info, please visit: studies/events/chinese-folklore-asian-american-identity-and-cultural-heritage?delta=0
Saturday, October 4, 2014 at 11:00-11:45 AM in Lan Su Chinese Garden (239 Northwest Everett Street, Portland, Oregon 97209; Tel.: 503.228.8131): Nanjing University Traditional Chinese Musical Performance. (The door opens at 10:00 am. The event is open to public, free with admission). For more info, please visit: institute/files/Nanjing%20University%20Performance-flyer%20lansu%20garden.pdf
Saturday, October 4, 2014 at 1:30-4:30 PM in PSU School of Business Building 490 (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): CI & CC Chinese New and in-service Teachers Orientation and Training.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 11:00 AM -3:00 PM in SMSU Room 355/Ball Room (1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201): PSU Education Abroad Fairs. Please come visit the CIPSU’s booth to learn about the CI events and activities, Chinese culture, enjoy good Chinese tea, watch tea ceremony, Tai Chi and Chinese calligraphy demonstration and learn how to do it yourselves right on the spot, have your Chinese name written on a name card in Chinese characters, and much more. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 6:30-8:00 PM (PSU East Hall 109: 632 SW Hall Street, Portland, OR 97201):
Presentations (for more info, please visit: institute/files/Lecture%20by%20Meng%20Yu%20%26%20Yin%20Liancheng-%20flye.pdf
1) Style And Skills On Royal Family Painting by Ms. MENG Yu from Tianjin, China, who learnt traditional Chinese painting from professor of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts—Aisin-Gioro Puzuo. During that time she also received much guidance from some famous artist such as Aisin-Gioro Pusongchuang (Puquan) and He Haixia etc., and was awarded “Elite Award” from China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC), China Arts and Crafts Calligraphy Exhibition Committee and China Folk Arts and Crafts Calligraphy Jury;
2) Why Chosing the Chinese Calligraphy by Chinese calligrapher Yin Liancheng from Tianjin, China, who is a member of China Association of Calligraphy. Mr. Yin was student Wu Yuru, one of the best
known master of Chinese culture and arts. He published many papers and books and is a public figure in China’s TV and media industry. The CIPSU’s Chinese Corner starts at 6:00 PM
Friday, October 10, 2014, 6:30-8:00 PM in PSU School of Business Building 490 (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): 1) presentation on the tradition and legend of the Moon Festival; 2) 2014 China-Bridge Summer Campers’ PPT presentation with pictures and video clips about their exciting summer trip in China; 3) enjoying delicious moon cakes. The CIPSU’s Chinese Corner starts at 6:00 PM in the study area right outside SBA 490. For more information, please visit: 10%20Summer%20Camp%20and%20%20Moon%20Festival.pdf
Sunday, October 12, 2014: Chinese Proficiency HSK Test (internet-based): Written: Levels 1-6, & Oral (Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced): PSU School of Business Building 340 (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201) Schedule for Chinese Proficiency Tests (HSK and YCT) – all tests are internet-based: For more information about the HSK/YCT/BCT Chinese Proficiency Tests, please visit the links below:
Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 4:00 - 6:30 PM in PSU SMSU 296-8 (Non-CIPSU event)
CHINA Town Hall 2014 (in conjunction with NW China Council)
4:00 PM: Webcast: Former US President, Jimmy Carter provides an update on US-China relations,
- 5:00 PM: live presentation by a visiting China expert on the topic (TBA) on either
- A) the impact of the territorial disputes in the East and South China Seas on U.S. - China Relations, or B) the exodus of the middle class in China: Impact on China, and the rest of the world. For more information, please visit:
Friday, October 24, 2014: 6:30 – 8:00 PM in PSU School of Business Building 490 (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): Lecture on “From killers to love hunks: Shifting Visions Of Mainlanders In Hong Kong Film - Changes In Hong Kong Movies From The 1980's To The Present.” by Prof. Mary Erbaugh of Portland State University. For more information, please visit: institute/files/2014.09.20%20flyer%20for%20presentation%20on%20Hongkong%20films.pdf
The CIPSU’s Chinese Corner starts at 6:00 PM
Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 9:30 AM in PSU campus, room TBA (Non-CIPSU event)
First Saturday East Asia Program
Paintings, Poetry & Politics in Beijing's Southern City, 1770-2014 Dr. Michele Matteini, Professor of Chinese Art History, Reed College
A look at the life of a lettered society in a neighborhood of Beijing, a very special place during the Qing Dynasty, the Revolutionary era, and in modern times. Dr. Matteini will draw upon his recent research in this study.
Friday, November 7, 2014, 1:00-3:00 PM in the Lan Su Chinese Garden (239 Northwest Everett Street, Portland, Oregon 97209; Tel.: 503.228.8131): Chinese Conversation Circle: Cultural Theme: Chinese
Tea Culture ( Co-sponsored with the Lan Su Chinese Garden (Free with admission)
Saturday and Sunday, November 15 & 16, 2014 in PSU School of Business Building 190 (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS CHINESE TEACHING, TEXTBOOK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, AND
研发、商务跨文化交际研讨会 (2014). For more detailed information and scheduled, please visit: research-development-and
Sunday, November 16, 2014 Chinese Proficiency YCT Test (internet-based): Young Learners Chinese Test (YCT): Written: Levels 1-4, & Oral (Elementary and Intermediate) PSU School of
Business Building 340 (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201) Schedule for Chinese Proficiency Tests (HSK and YCT) – all tests are internet-based: For more information about the HSK/YCT/BCT Chinese Proficiency Tests, please visit the links below: language-proficiency-exam
Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 4:30 PM; PSU campus, room TBA (Non-CIPSU event)
IAS Faculty Focus: Smash and Spit! Cultural Destruction at Urban Sites in Early Modern China
Dr. Desmond Cheung, PSU Assistant Professor of Chinese History
Dr. Cheung will discuss the smashing of statues at two famous sites in the city of Hangzhou during the Ming period (1368-1644): the Shrine to Yue Fei and the Buddhist sculptures at Lingyin Monastery's Feilaifeng, giving consideration to political and religious motives and meanings behind these acts of cultural violence and how such acts constitute a participation in a kind of public history.
Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 9:30 AM; PSU campus, room TBA (Non-CIPSU event)
First Saturday East Asia Program Confucian Sacred Landscapes
Dr. Linda Walton, Professor Emerita of Chinese History, Portland State University
Sunday, December 7, 2014: Chinese Proficiency HSK Test (internet-based): Written: Levels 1-6, & Oral (Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced): PSU School of Business Building 340 (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201)
Schedule for Chinese Proficiency Tests (HSK and YCT) – all tests are internet-based: For more information about the HSK/YCT/BCT Chinese Proficiency Tests, please visit the links below:
The CIPSU Events at The Portland Lan-Su Chinese Garden (free with admission)
Chinese Language Conversation Circle is taught by Chinese language teachers from CIPSU) – once a month all year – every first Friday 1pm – 3pm (239 NW Everett St, Portland, OR 97209). Please come to learn about Chinese culture, enjoy practicing speaking Chinese with native Chinese speakers, drinking Chinese tea and learn the dao of Chinese tea, and practice Chinese Taichi too:
The China Seminars by College of Urban & Public Affairs at PSU – China Innovations in Urbanization (non CIPSU event)
The China Seminar is an opportunity to engage with the planning, development, and public policy issues facing China as it undergoes the fastest urbanization process in world history. Each academic year,
the PSU-China Innovations in Urbanization Program hosts presentations, panels, film viewings, and book readings. Key to the seminar series is the involvement of our visiting scholars from China, who add their unique experiences and research to the program. Most seminars are open to the public and all PSU students are encouraged to attend.
* Parking is free after 5:00 PM on Fridays at PSU parking structure and all day Sundays on the 3rd floor and above in Parking Structure 1 on Broadway and 6th Avenue between Harrison and Hall Street on PSU campus
Confucius Institute at PSU (CI-PSU)
Portland State University, OIA-CI, PO Box 751, Portland, Oregon 97207 Physical address: 632 SW Hall Street Suite 306, Portland, OR 97201, USA Telephone: 503-725-8561/9810; Fax: 503-725-9812/5850
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