


1.7: 孔子学院放映中国电影《饮食男女》,并举办“汉语角”帮助美国学生练习汉语。

1.15: 孔子学院老师应邀在俄勒冈中华理工专业会介绍孔子学院和孔子课堂的工作使命。

1.21: 孔子学院邀请波特兰兰竹乐团团长杨济宇博士演讲并演奏“丝路音乐”,并举办“汉语角”帮助美国学生练习汉语。

1.23: 孔子学院为当地中小学汉语教师举办传承中文教育论坛。

1.27: 波特兰州立大学孔子学院开始在耐克公司总部开办首个汉语班,这是海外汉语教学机构与跨国公司之间的首次合作,把传播中国语言与中国文化成功地深入到当地的企业当中。

1.28: 孔子学院邀请波特兰州立大学荣誉政治教授兼《亚洲观察》杂志主编Mel Gurtov博士作题为“本世纪是中国的世纪吗”的讲座,并举办“汉语角”帮助美国学生练习汉语。

2.5: 孔子学院与波特兰当地华人组织在波特兰会议中心联合举办中国兔年春节联欢并举办汉语教学资源展。

2.5: 孔子学院及波特兰州立大学中国学生学者联合会联合举办的中国新年庆祝晚会并举办汉语教学资源展。

2.11: 孔子学院邀请芝加哥大学政治系杨大利教授、波特兰州立大学Mel Gurtov古德夫教授、波特兰港务局国际海洋运输发展部Sam Ruda等人进行论坛演讲,题目是:中国的经济转型,并举办“汉语角”帮助美国学生练习汉语。

2.11: 孔子学院与波州大国际管理研究生院联合举办的兔年春节联欢会。

2.18: 孔子学院举办中国文化活动,介绍中国人过年习俗和元宵节, 品尝元宵和饺子,并推介网络孔子学院。

2.20: 孔子学院参加西北中国协会新年庆祝活动,并在现场举办汉语教育资源展。

2.27: 孔子学院举办2011年度汉语演讲比赛。

3.11: 孔子学院邀请著名中医张军医生作题为“经典中医时间医学”讲座,并举办“汉语角”帮助美国学生练习汉语。

3.18: 孔子学院邀请东北师范大学艺术团进行访问演出。

3.25: 中国教育部副部长郝平一行访问波特兰。会见了州长John Kitzhaber和州议员,参观了耐克公司和英特尔公司,会见了波州大孔院的老师们,晚上坐船游览了威廉玛特河。

4.1: 孔子学院举办2011年汉语教师培训介绍会。

4.15: 中国国务委员刘延东率中国代表团一行与美国俄勒冈州州长John Kitzhaber等在波特兰州立大学共同出席了俄勒冈州12所孔子课堂揭牌仪式。参加揭牌仪式的有俄勒冈州大学系统总校长George Pernsteiner、波特兰州立大学校长Wim Wiewel、副校长Gil Latz、中国教育部部长袁贵仁等10几位部长。12所建立孔子课堂的学校是伍德斯托克小学、阿特金森小学、霍斯福德中学、西斯文中学、克利夫兰高中、富兰克林高中、林肯高中、波特兰国际学校、比佛顿国际学校、卡斯凯德特许公立学校、西塞林高中和橡树山学校。

4.22: 孔子学院放映中国电影《末代皇帝》,并举办“汉语角”帮助美国学生练习汉语。

4.29: 孔子学院邀请MIM学生作“亚洲之行”汇报讲演。

4.30:  孔子学院教师11人参加华盛顿大学AP考试工作坊。


5.12: 孔子学院邀请MIT 国际研究中心国际政治教授Dr. Richard Samuels作“中日美关系”的讲座。

5.13: 孔子学院邀请Huot 和Majzels教授作关于中国古诗直接英译的“85工程”讲座。

5.15: 孔子学院举办YCT(1-4级)考试,18考生参加考试。

5.21: 孔子学院参加Teach East Asia Fair汉语教学资源展。

5.22: 孔子学院举办HSK1-6级考试,并首次举办HSK口试初、中、高级。100多人次参加了考试。

5.26: 孔子学院参加波特兰苏州姐妹城市协会举办的“星光之夜”活动,并举办中文资源展。波州大孔院获得波特兰-苏州姐妹友好城市颁发的“教育杰出领袖奖”。

5.31: 孔子学院邀请天津华夏艺术小学师生为当地民众举办了数场文艺演出。

6.2-5: 孔子学院教师在俄勒冈州梅德福市参加俄勒冈-中国投资、旅游和贸易研讨会,并在会议期间举办了汉语教学资源展。

6.10: 孔子学院举办“端午节”纪念活动,举办讲座、学习包粽子、品尝粽子。

6.20-7.1: 孔子学院与波特兰州立大学教育学院共同举办第四届俄勒冈州中小学汉语教师职业发展培训班。48名中小学汉语教师及其他人员参加了为期两周的培训并顺利结业。

6.24: 孔子学院在波特兰市A.G. Long大楼举办“马魏华先生中国书法艺术展”,150名左右各界人士参观了展览。

6.30: 孔子学院在波特兰州立大学林肯大厅举办张泓女士中国民歌演讲演唱会,邀请纽约州立宾汉顿大学张泓老师演讲演唱。

9.9: 孔子学院邀请天津大学高文元博士作题为“中药的历史、现状和前景”的讲座。

9.16: 孔子学院举办2011年中秋晚会,介绍中秋的传说,品尝月饼,并邀请参加2011年汉语桥夏令营的21位高中生汇报演讲和表演。

9.23: 孔子学院邀请中国广西玉林师范学院陈家友教授作题为“中国南方少数民族音乐研究”的讲座并演奏。

9.29: 孔子学院邀请中央音乐学院6位学生(由一位教师带队)专场演奏中国民乐,受到热烈欢迎。

10.14: 孔子学院放映电影《非诚勿扰》。

10.28: 亚洲研究所和孔子学院联合邀请《邓小平传》作者、哈佛大学Ezra F.Vogel教授作题为“邓小平与中国的改革”的讲座并签字售书。

11.4: 孔子学院邀请宇文永权和陈淑红老师介绍他们发明的“拼玩识字”和“变易速算”方法。

11.5: 孔子学院再次邀请俄勒冈州波特兰市影像艺术家和音乐家Alexis Gideon表演孙悟空/美猴王。

11.6: 孔子学院全体教师聆听了由《侨报》主办的中国著名文化学者、北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院副院长于丹教授和中医针灸专家、北京中医药大学针灸推拿学院程凯博士所作的中国文化和中医保健养生的精采讲座。于丹教授讲学的题目是“感悟东方智慧”,程凯教授讲学的题目是“通畅身体母亲河”。

11.13 & 12.4:  孔子学院分别举办第12次YCT和HSK考试。

11.23: 孔子学院邀请俄亥俄州立大学东亚语言文学系吴伟克(Galal Walker)教授作题为“<论语>的乐学与语言教学(Learning Cycles,Instructional Cycles, And the Confucian Pleasure)”的精彩演讲。

12.12-14: 孔子学院院长刘美如教授、中方院长吴晓园副教授以及波特兰州立大学校长Wim Wiewel, 副校长Agnes Hoffman, 俄勒冈州教育局主管孔子课堂的专员 Rendy Jantz, 波州大孔院理事会成员蓝进等参加了在北京举行的第六届孔子学院大会。刘美如院长应邀主持海外本土教材开发论坛并应邀发表了题为“研发非传统型实用适用好用耐用教材 -- 波州大孔院的模式和尝试”的讲演。刘美如院长再次被评为“全球孔子学院先进个人”。

12.14: 波州大孔院院长刘美如陪同波州大校长Wim Wiewel和主管招生的副校长 Agnes Hoffman在中国天津与天津经贸学院签署两校合作备忘录。

12.15: 波州大孔院院长刘美如陪同俄勒冈州教育局孔子课堂项目专员参观了一所北京汉字速成学校。


CIPSU Journal, 2011

January:CIPSU, as the first CI in US, initiated Audio Chat through Skype, a new channel for learning Chinese online individually and free of charge.

Jan.7: Chinese corner and Chinese movie: Eat Drink Man Women.

Jan.15: Talk on missions of Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms by a CI teacher to CSEPA members.

Jan.21: Chinese Corner and Lecture Recital: Music from the Silk Road by Dr. Jiyu Yang, Director of the Orchids and Bamboo Ensemble in Portland.

Jan.23: Chinese Educational Forum: Heritage Chinese Education in the US: How to Teach Chinese to Heritage Learners?

Jan.27: CIPSU offered Chinese teaching to employees of the Nike Headquarters, the first time of cooperation between an overseas Chinese teaching institute and a large business and a successful experiment to promote Chinese teaching and Chinese culture in local enterprises.

Jan.28: Chinese Corner and Lecture: Will This Be China's Century? by Dr. Mel Gurtov, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at PSU and Editor-in-Chief of Asian Perspective.

Feb.5: Chinese New Year Gala at Oregon Convention Center: celebrating Chinese New Year of the year of the Rabbit sponsored by CIPSU and local Chinese communities and Chinese Textbook Exhibition by CIPSU. 

Feb.5: Chinese New Year Gala at PSU: Evening party celebrating Chinese New Year of the year of the Rabbit by CI and CSSA at PSU and local Chinese communities and Chinese Textbook Exhibition.

Feb.11: Forum on China’s Economic Shift

Dali Yang (Keynote Speaker): "Political Succession and the Prospects for Reform in China", Sam Ruda (Guest Speaker): “China's Re-Emergence Viewed through the Window of the Global Maritime Industry”, Jin Lan (Guest Speaker): "Regional Economic Shift in China's Twelfth 5 Year Plan-GELIVABLE": The New Economic Powerhouse of Binhai, Haixi, and Chongqing.” and Mel Gurtov: Forum Discussant.

Feb.11: Chinese New Year party with MIM students of PSU.

Feb.18: Chinese corner and presentation: Introduction of  Chinese customs about how to celebrate the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival and on the traditions of the Chinese Yuanxiao/Lantern Festival. Confucius Institute Online Promotion and registration

Feb.20: Participation in New Year Gala by Northwest China council and book exhibition at the event.

Feb.27: 2011 Chinese Speech Contest.

March 11: Introductory lecture: Chrono Biomedicine of Classical Chinese Medicine  by Dr. Jun Zhang Lac.

March 18: Performance by the Student Troupe of Northeast Normal University

March 25: Hao Ping, Vice Minister of MOE visited Portland, met with Governor John Kitzhaber and State representatives, visited Nike Corporation and Intel Corporation, met with CIPSU teachers and went sightseeing at Willamette River by boat.

April 1: Orientation for the 2011 Summer K-12 Chinese Language Teacher Professional Development Training Program.

April 15: Inauguration Ceremony of 12 Confucius Classrooms in Oregon by Councilor Liu Yandong and other members of the Chinese delegation headed by Liu Yandong. Present at the ceremony were also: George Pernsteiner, Chancellor of Oregon University System, Wim Wiewel, PSU President, Gil Latz, PSU Vice-Provost, and Yuan Guiren, Minister of MOE, China. The 12 schools with Confucius classrooms are: Woodstock Elementary School, Atkinson Elementary School, Horsford Middle School, Cleveland High School, Franklin High School, Lincoln High School, the International School, International School at Beaverton, Cascade Charter School, West Salem High School and Oak Tree Hill School.

April 22: Chinese corner and Chinese movie: the Last Emperor.

April 29: Presentation by MIM students on their trip to Asia.

April 30: CI teachers attended AP workshop at University of Washington.

May: Through the great efforts of CIPSU, Oregon Teacher Endorsement Association will issue Chinese teacher endorsement to qualified Chinese teachers in schools starting 2013.

May 12: Lecture on Janpan-China-US Relations by Dr. Richard Samuels, International Politics professor of Center for International Studies, MIT.

May 13: Presentation by Huot and Majzels on the “85” project of a face-to-face translation of Chinese classical poems into English.

May 15: YCT (1-4) tests with 18 test takers.

May 21: Chinese teaching material exhibit in Teach East Asia Fair.

May 22: HSK tests 1-6 and oral test (elementary, intermediate and advanced) with more than 100 test takers.

May 26: Participation in the Evening under the Star event sponsored by Portland-Suzhou Sister City Association and Chinese teaching resource exhibit at Lansu Garden. CIPSU was awarded “Outstanding Leadership in Education”.

May 31: Performance by Tianjin Cathay Arts School.

June 2-5: Oregon-China Investment and Trade Conference in Medford, Oregon. Chinese textbook exhibition at the event by CIPSU.

June 10: Presentation and event on Chinese Dragon Boat Festival.

June 20-July 1: The 2011 CIPSU Summer K-12 Chinese Language Teacher Training Program was held at Portland State University sponsored jointly by CIPSU and College of Education, PSU from June 20 to July 1, 2011. 48 K-12 Chinese language teachers from Oregon and Washington participated in this year’s training. 7 nationally- and internationally-known teacher training specialist, professors and K-12 teachers were invited to teach and work as trainers. The forms of training include lectures, PPT presentations, seminars, teaching demos, teaching practice and class discussions and hands-on teaching and observing. Randy Jantz, Oregon Education Department official presented graduation certificates to all the participants.

June 24: Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition by Mr. Ma Weihua at A.G. Long Building in Portland with 150 visitors.

June 30: Lecture recital: Chinese Ethnic Groups and Their Songs at Lincohn Hall PSU by Ms. Zhang Hong from Binghanton Campus, SUNY.

Sept.9: Lecture by Gao Wenyuan, Tianjin University: Traditional Chinese Medicine: Past, Present and Future.

Sept.16: Presentation on the tradition and legend of the Moon Festival and 2011 China-Bridge Summer Campers’PPT presentation.

Sept.23: Lecture and recital: A Study of Ethnic Minority Music in Southern China by Prof. Chen Jiayou of Yulin Teachers’ College, Guangxi Province.

Sept.29: Musical performance by 6 students from Central Conservatory of Music.

Oct.14: Chinese corner and Chinese movie: If You Are the One….

Oct.28: Lecture and book signing: Deng Xiaoping and Transformation of China by Ezra F.Vogel, author of “Deng Xiaoping” and former Director of Harvard’s Fairbank Center for East Asian Research and the Asian Center.

Nov.4: Lecture: Fast Chinese Character Learning and Fast & Easy Calculation by Yuwen Yongquan and Chen Shuhong.

Nov.5: Video Opera: Sun Wu-Kong/The Monkey King by video artist and musician Alexis Gideon.

Nov.6: Lectures by Prof. Yu Dan, the well-known Chinese culture scholar and Vice Dean of the College of Arts and Multi-media, Beijing Normal University and Dr. Cheng Kai, an expert on Chinese acupuncture of the College of Acupuncture and Massage, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine on Chinese culture and Chinese medicine sponsored by “China Press”. The title of Yu Dan’s lecture is: Feel the Oriental Windom. The title of Cheng Kai’s lecture is: A Healthy Body.

Nov.13-14: The 12th YCT and HSK tests.

Nov.23: Lecture: Learning Cycles,Instructional Cycles, and the Confucian Pleasure by Prof. Galal Walker of the Dept. of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Ohio State University.

Dec.12-14: Prof. Meiru Liu, Director of CIPSU, Vice-Prof. Xiaoyuan Wu, Co-Director of CIPSU, Prof. Wim Wiewel, PSU President, Prof. Agnes Hoffman, PSU Vice President, Ms. Rendy Jantz, official in charge of Confucius classrooms at the Oregon Department of Education and Jin Lan, Board member of CIPSU participated in the 6th Confucius Institute Conference in Beijing. Prof. Meiru Liu chaired the panel discussion on development of teaching material for local learners and presented a speech “Developing Non-traditional and Practical Teaching Materials: Models and Experiments of CIPSU”. Prof. Meiru Liu was again selected as “Excellent Individual of CI in the World”.

Dec.14: President Wim Wiewel and Agnes Hoffman, Vice-President for enrollment signed MOU with Tianjin Institute of Economics and Trade in Tianjin accompanied by Prof. Meiru Liu.

Dec.15: Ms. Rendy Jantz, official in charge of Confucius classrooms at the Oregon Department of Education visited a Chinese character learning school in Beijing accompanied by Prof. Meiru Liu.