Upcoming CIPSU events in May

Here is a list of upcoming CIPSU events in May:
  • Thursday, May 7, 2015 (Non-CIPSU event): China Seminar: MURP candidate Mohd Meidiansyah's presentation on China's foreign direct investment on infrastructure development in Africa and SE Asia. This is an interesting discussion topic especially because of the recently announced "the Silk Road Economic Belt" proposed by the Chinese government. 
Title: China’s Role in Infrastructure Development through Foreign Direct Investment in Africa and SE Asia
Time: 12:00 -1:30pm May 7th, 2015;  
Location: Urban Center 220

9:00 AM –5:00 PM 

SBA 130 (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland OR 97201)


  • Friday, May 15, 2015PSU International Night 2015: Meals on the first floor and country booths on the second floorThe performances will begin at 7pm and go until10pm in the SMSU Ballroom, room 355Please come to visit the CIPSU’s booth for Chinese tea, practicing speaking Chinese, get your Chinese name written in calligraphy, and learn how to make Chinese knot, dough figures, and a lot of fun.

5:00-7:00 PM 

Smith Memorial Student Union (1825 SW Broadway, Portland 97201)


2:00 PM 

Smith Memorial Student Union, 3rd Floor Ballroom (1825 SW Broadway, Portland 97201)


$35/person with dinner, pay on site

 RSVP to : cirsvp@pdx.edu by 5:00 PM on May 18, 2015

5:30-7:30 PM

University Club Fireside Room (1225 SW 6th Avenue, Portland, OR 97204)


  • Friday, May 29 & June 1, 2015: The 6th Oregon-China International Conference on Investment, Culture, Education and Tourism in Portland and Medford, Oregon: 1) Oregon-China business Forum; 2) Oregon-China Education and Culture forum; 3) Oregon-China K-12 School Principal Forum; 4) Celebration of the CIPSU's 8th Anniversary.  More information about the conference and its affiliated forums, agenda and program will be provided soon. The conference is co-organized and co-sponsored with Oregon China Sister State Relations Council.