Event Schedule for Spring Quarter 2014

All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted
CIPSU Chinese Corner starts 30 minutes before each CIPSU-organized event.
Parking is free in PSU parking structure after 5:00 PM on Fridays and all day Sundays

Please visit the CIPSU’s website: or for the schedules and more detailed info for the CIPSU’s events, lecture series, non-credit Chinese language and culture courses and registration forms; Chinese HSK/YCT Proficiency Tests; Chinese Bridge Summer Camp, CIPSU scholarships for the PSU students; CI HQs/Hanban scholarships for studying in China; CIPSU Newsletters; CIPSU Journals/Event Records since 2007; Online Resources, etc.

Please find from the following links all the Chinese language and culture courses to be offered by the Confucius Institute at Portland State University for the Spring Quarter 2014. Free Taiji/Tai Chi practice class is open to PSU community and the general public on Mondays (starting on March 31st) at 12:00-1:00 PM in front of the PSU library on PSU campus; 12:00 – 1:00 PM; Mondays at 5:30-6:30 PM on the first floor of PSU Student Recreation Center Auditorium (1800 SW 6th Ave., Portland, OR 97201);  Wednesdays at 12:00-1:00 PM in Pioneer Square in downtown Portland ((starting on April 2nd); and Saturdays at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM in front of the PSU library.

CIPSU Non-Credit Chinese Courses of different types and levels are offered for everyone including K5-12 students and adults at PSU and general public in the Greater Portland Area start on Saturday, March 29th. All classes are free for PSU faculty and staff. For more info about these courses and registration form, please visit the CIPSU website at:

The following links also includes course schedules, descriptions and the online registration information including online and check payments info:

·View Spring term 2014 Schedule of Classes (for Adults) 

download Schedule of Classes for Adults - PDF version:

·View Spring term 2014 Schedule of Classes (for Youth K-12) 

download Schedule of Classes for Youth K-12 - PDF version:


·View How to register and pay for the CIPSU-offered non-credit courses:

CIPSU also offers tutoring sessions to your specific needs by offering specially designed courses and tutoring sessions as well as online courses through Skype at your request. All courses are free of charge for PSU faculty and staff except for individual tutoring sessions and specially designed courses.



For fliers and detailed information about the events, please visit the CIPSU’s website:

Friday, April 11, 2014 at 6:30-8:00 PM in SBA 490 (615/631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): PSU MIM (Master of International Management) Students’ Presentation on their recent Asian Trip (Shanghai China; Tokyo Japan, Ho Chi Minh City in Viet Nam, etc.)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 12:00-3:00 PM in World Affairs Council of Oregon (1200 SW Park Avenue Third Floor, Madison Room, Portland, OR 97205): Mini Conference on US, China, Japan Relations. Join a distinguished panel of experts on East Asian geopolitics for this forum and mini conference as they look at current and historical trends in the region and offer a broader context for understanding both the big picture issues and impending flashpoints. The program will include Mark Selden (Senior Research Associate, East Asia Program at Cornell University, and a Coordinator of The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus; and author of Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance); Satoko Norimatsu (Director of the Peace Philosophy Center, Vancouver and Director of Vancouver Save Article 9); and Mel Gurtov (Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Portland State University; Editor-in-Chief, Asian Perspective; and author of Will This Be China's Century?). For more detailed information about the event, please visit: This is a Non-CIPSU-sponsored event.

Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 5:00-8:15 PM (PSU Smith Memorial Student Union-SMSU Multicultural Center (MCC) room 228 at 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201): Oregon-China Economic Forum: International Student’s Impact on Investment, Culture & Economic Development (the Forum starts at 5:30 PM followed with the reception at 7:00 PM. The event is co-sponsored with Oregon-China Sister State Relations Council.For more detailed information, please visit:

Friday, April 18, 2014 at 6:30-8:00 PM in SBA 490 (615/631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): Orientation for the 2014 Summer K-12 Chinese Language Teacher Professional Development Training Program: new information about this year’s program, graduate credits, guest speakers/trainers; schedules, and much more. For more info and the flier for the event, please


Sunday, April 27, 2014, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM in SBA 490 (615/631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): Oregon K-12 Chinese Language Teachers Professional Development Training Workshop: 中文综合课教学及案例示范 (Teaching of Comprehensive Courses and Case Demonstration) by Professor ZHANG Ying, Dean of School of Chinese as a Second Language at Peking University; and 国际汉语教师的基本素质与能力(The Basic Quality and Ability of International Chinese Teachers):   1. 汉语国际教育形势的特点及对教师的需求与要求        The Characteristics of Chinese International Education as Well as Needs and Requirements for the Teachers;2. 国际汉语教师胜任力模型和国际汉语教师标准Competency Models and Standards for International Chinese Teachers; 3如何成为合格的国际汉语教师How to Become Qualified International Chinese Language Teachers by Professor ZHU Ruiping, Dean of College of Chinese Language & Culture at Beijing Normal University (CIPSU’s Certificate of Training will be issued to those who have successfully completed the 8-hours training program). For more info and the flier for the event, please visit:

Friday, May 2, 2014 at 6:30-8:00 PM in SBA 490 (615/631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): Lecture: “Portrait of Visual Transformation over Thirty Years”by Mr. CAO Weijun, former Curator at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Beijing and Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art, China. For more info and the flier for the event, please visit:

Sunday, May 4th, 2014 at 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (9:00-9:30 AM: Check-in; 9:30-10:15 AM: Brush Calligraphy, Pen Calligraphy, Paining, and Composition; 10:15-10:30 AM: Opening Ceremony; 10:30-11:30 AM: Speech and Talent Contests) in SBA 190 (each group for the speech and talent contests will be assigned different rooms on the 1st floor of the SBA building at the opening ceremony) for the opening and closing ceremony; and in Rooms 130, 140, 160 and 170 separately (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): 2014 Confucius Institute Contests at PSU(Chinese Brush and Pen Calligraphy Contest; Chinese Painting/Drawing Contest; Chinese Composition Contest; Chinese Speech Contest; Chinese Talent Contest; China Photo Contest; China-Related Micro-Film Contest, etc.)

For more detailed information, schedules and requirements for the Contests, please visit:

Friday, May 9, 2014 at 6:30-8:00 PM in SBA 490 (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): Lecture: LECTURE: HAPPY TIMES / 幸福时光 (2000): ZHANG YIMOU AND THE SOCIALIST LEGACY” by Dr. Wendy Larson, Professor of Chinese Literature and Vice Provost at University of Oregon. For more info and the flier for the event, please visit:

Friday, May 16, 2014 at 5:00-7:00 PM: PSU International Night 2014: Once Upon a World (SMSU /Smith Memorial Student Union: meals on the first floor and country booths on the second floor. The performances will begin at 7pm and go until10pm in the SMSU Ballroom, room 355. Please come to visit the CIPSU’s booth for Chinese tea, practicing speaking Chinese, get your Chinese name written in calligraphy, learn how to make Chinese knot, dough figures, and a lot of fun.

Friday, May 23, 2014 at 6:30-8:00 PM in SBA 490 (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): Lecture: Understanding Development Challenges in China’s Drive for Urbanization” by Dr. Yiping FANG, Assistant Professor at Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning at Portland State University. For more info and the flier for the event, please visit:

Friday, May 30th & June 2nd, 2014: Oregon-China International Conference on Investment, Culture, Education and Tourism (For more information about the conference, please visit: The conference is co-organized with Oregon China Sister State Relations Council:

Friday, May 30th (Fiesta Event Center at 1016 N. Riverside Ave., Medford, Oregon):
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Oregon-China Business, Education and Culture  Forums (Exhibitions on CIPSU’s event photos, Chinese education resources Chinese art, culture and education will be held at the conference site).

Sunday, June 1st: (Date subject to change and venue TBA)
6:30-8:00 PM:
Performance by China Suzhou University Art Troupe and Local performers (open to the public)

Monday, June 2nd, 2014 (venue TBA)
2:00 PM:
Oregon-China Investment Forum (in association with  Portland Development Commission & China Investment Forum)

4:00pm: Oregon-Tianjin Forum, Oregon- Suzhou Forum, US-China University
Presidents Forum

For more info and the flier for the event, please visit:

Friday, June 6, 2014 at 6:30-8:00 PM in SBA 490 (631 SW Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97201): Zongzi party to celebrate the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival with Presentation on Chinese traditional holidays and legends of Dragon Boat Racing. Come to eat Zongzi, learn how to make Zongzi, and practice speaking Chinese with native speakers (Zongzi are rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk, or other sweet fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves). Zongzi will be served in the resting area on the 4th floor of SBA building right outside Room 490. For more info and the flier for the event, please visit:


Schedule for Chinese Proficiency Tests (HSK) – all tests are online-based:

For more information about the HSK/YCT/BCT Chinese Proficiency Tests, please visit the links below:

Sunday, May 11 – Written: Levels 1-6, & Oral (Elem., Intermediate.& Advanced

Sunday, July 13 – Written: Levels 1-6

Sunday, October 12- Written: Levels 1-6, & Oral (Elem., Intermediate.& Advanced

Sunday, December 7 – Written: Levels 1-6, & Oral (Elem., Intermediate.& Advanced

Schedule for Young Learners Chinese Test (YCT) Proficiency - – all tests are online-based:

Sunday, November 16 – Written: Levels 1-4, & Oral (Elementary and Intermediate)


The CIPSU Events at The Portland Lan-Su Chinese Garden (free with admission)

Chinese Language Conversation Circle is taught by Chinese language teachers from CIPSU) – once a month all year – every first Friday 1pm – 3pm (239 NW Everett St, Portland, OR 97209). Please come to learn about Chinese culture, enjoy practicing speaking Chinese with native Chinese speakers, drinking Chinese tea and learn the dao of Chinese tea, and practice Chinese Taichi too:


Friday, Feb. 21st: Cultural Theme: Chinese Spring Festival
Friday, March 14th: Cultural Theme: China
Friday, April 4th: Cultural Theme: Chinese Memorial Qingming Festival
Friday, May 2nd Cultural Theme: Chinese Tea Ceremony and the Dao of Chinese Tea
Friday, June 6th Cultural Theme: Chinese Duanwu  /Dragon Boat Festival

Friday, July 4th: Cultural Theme: Chinese Cities and City Flowers
Friday, Aug. 1st: Cultural Theme: Chinese Valentine’s Day
Friday, Sept. 5th: Cultural Theme: Chinese Paper Cuts
Friday, October 3rd: Cultural Theme: Chinese Moon/Mid-Autumn Festival
Friday, Nov. 7th: Cultural Theme: Chinese Tea Culture
Friday, December 5th: Cultural Theme: The 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals

The China Seminars by College of Urban & Public Affairs at PSU –

 China Innovations in Urbanization (non CIPSU event)


The China Seminar is an opportunity to engage with the planning, development, and public policy issues facing China as it undergoes the fastest urbanization process in world history. Each academic year, the PSU-China Innovations in Urbanization Program hosts presentations, panels, film viewings, and book readings. Key to the seminar series is the involvement of our visiting scholars from China, who add their unique experiences and research to the program. Most seminars are open to the public and all PSU students are encouraged to attend.

* Parking is free after 5:00 PM on Fridays at PSU parking structure and all day Sundays on the 3rd floor and above in Parking Structure 1 on Broadway and 6th Avenue between Harrison and Hall Street on PSU campus


Confucius Institute at PSU (CI-PSU)

Portland State University, OIA-CI, PO Box 751, Portland, Oregon  97207

Physical address: 632 SW Hall Street Suite 306, Portland, OR 97201, USA

Telephone:  503-725-8561/9810; Fax: 503-725-9812/5850
email: or
web: /

Subscribe to the Confucius Institute at PSU e-mail list at


Confucius Institute at PSU (CI-PSU)
Portland State University
OIA-CI, PO Box 751, Portland, Oregon  97207
632 SW Hall Street Suite 306
Portland, OR 97201, USA

tel.  503-725-8561/9810
email: or
web: /

Subscribe to the Confucius Institute at PSU e-mail list at