2015 Confucius Institute Contests at PSU (May 3, 2015)

2015 Confucius Institute Contests at PSU


The Confucius Institute at Portland State University (CIPSU) is pleased to announce the 2015 Confucius Institute Contests to be held on Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 at PSU.

Online Registration (Preferred):  http://goo.gl/forms/YT4V2NCKF5

OR Paper Registration (Send it to cipsu@pdx.edu): Paper Registration form can be found on CI Contests link (http://www.pdx.edu/confucius-institute/2015-confucius-institute-contests-at-psu)

Registration Deadline: April 25, 2015


The schedule is as follows:

· Check-in (9:00 AM -9:30 AM)

· Brush Calligraphy Contest (9:30 AM -10:15 AM) 

· Pen Calligraphy Contest (9:30 AM -10:15 AM) 

· Painting Contest (9:30 AM -10:15 AM) 

· Composition Contest (9:30 AM -10:15 AM) 

· Opening Ceremony (10:15 AM -10:30 AM)

·  Speech Contest (10:30 AM-11:30 AM) 

· Talent Contest (10:30 AM-11:30 AM) 

· Closing /Award Ceremony (11:45 AM-12:00 PM)

Categories of competition include:

• On-Site Chinese Brush Calligraphy Contest (Registration Deadline: April 25, 2015) 

    2015 On-site Chinese Brush Calligraphy Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

• On-Site Pen Calligraphy Contest (Registration Deadline: April 25, 2015)

    2015 On-site Pen Calligraphy Contest (En & CHN).pdf

• On-Site Chinese Painting/Drawing Contest (Registration Deadline: April 25, 2015) 

   2015 On-site Chinese Drawing Contest (En & CHN).pdf

• On-Site Chinese Composition Contest (Registration Deadline: April 25, 2015) 

   2015 On-site Chinese Composition Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

• Chinese Speech Contest (Registration Deadline: April 25, 2015) 

   2015 Chinese Speech Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

• Talent Contest (Registration Deadline: April 25, 2015)

   2015 Talent Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

• Photo Contest (Registration Deadline: April 25, 2015)

   2015 Confucius Institute Photo Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

• Micro-Film Contest (Registration Deadline: April 25, 2015)

   2015 Micro-Film Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

You can either register online http://goo.gl/forms/YT4V2NCKF5  (preferred) or download the form and send it to cipsu@pdx.edu by April 25, 2015.   No registration fee is required. 

The contests will be followed by Award Ceremony for winners. All participants will get certificates.  

Each contestant can participate in one or more contests, i.e., speech, writing, calligraphy, talent show etc. so long as you can avoid the time conflict.  

The purpose of the contests is to provide more opportunities for all students from Greater Portland Area to demonstrate their linguistic and cultural talents, and showcase their interest and achievements in learning Chinese language and culture.  We hope that this contest will not just connect American students with the language, but also with the culture, literature, and rich history of China. 

For more information, please visit us www.pdx.edu/confucius-institute or call us at 503-725-9810 between 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. All students who are interested in participating in these contests must send the application forms to cipsu@pdx.edu. Application must be received by the deadline of April 25, 2015.



波特兰州立大学孔子学院( CIPSU )将于2015年5月3日在波特兰州立大学举办“2015年度波特兰州立大学孔子学院比赛”。


请在线填写比赛报名表 http://goo.gl/forms/YT4V2NCKF5  (建议采取此种报名方式)或 下载填写比赛报名表(2015 Contest Registration Form.doc)并于4月25日前发送至cipsu@pdx.edu。本次比赛不需报名费。



  • 比赛报到(9:00 AM -9:30 AM)
  • 毛笔书法比赛(9:30 AM-10:15 AM)
  • 硬笔书法比赛(9:30 AM-10:15 AM)
  • 绘画比赛(9:30 AM-10:15 AM)
  • 中文作文比赛(9:30 AM-10:15 AM)
  • 开幕式(10:15 AM -10:30 AM)
  • 中文演讲比赛(10:30 AM-11:30 AM)
  • 才艺表演比赛(10:30 AM-11:30 AM)
  • 闭幕式 / 颁奖典礼(11:45 AM – 12:00 PM)



•毛笔书法大赛 (报名截止期:2015年4月25日) 

   2015 On-site Chinese Brush Calligraphy Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

  2015 On-site Pen Calligraphy Contest (En & CHN).pdf

  2015 On-site Chinese Drawing Contest (En & CHN).pdf

  2015 On-site Chinese Composition Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

  2015 Chinese Speech Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

   2015 Talent Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

  2015 Confucius Institute Photo Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

  2015 Micro-Film Contest (EN & CHN).pdf

请在线填写比赛报名表 http://goo.gl/forms/YT4V2NCKF5  (建议采取此种报名方式)或 下载填写比赛报名表2015 Contest Registration Form.doc)并于4月25日前发送至cipsu@pdx.edu。本次比赛不需报名费。



此次比赛的目的是为所有大波特兰地区的学习汉语的学生提供更多的机会来展示他们学习中文的兴趣和学习成就。 我们希望本次比赛能把学生的中文学习和中国文化,文学,及丰富的中国历史联系起来。

欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站www.pdx.edu /confucius-institute或致电503-725-9810(周一至周五 9点至5点)。参赛者必须填写比赛报名表并发送至cipsu@pdx.edu 。报名截止期为2015年4月25日。